New Delhi: The US-elect President Joe Biden on Thursday said that “China will have to play by the rules and his administration will join World Health Organization (WHO) again,”
Biden was responding to a question about his remarks during the presidential debates that he wanted to punish China over the way Beijing has been behaving. He was asked if that could include economic sanctions or tariffs on China.
In April – Donald Trump had announced to withdraw the USA from WHO and accused the UN organisation for failing to oversee the onset of the coronavirus as it began to spread in China.
In a meeting with a bipartisan group of governors at Biden’s hometown in Wilmington, Delaware – he said that “It’s not so much about punishing China but it’s about making sure China understands they have got to play by the rules. It’s a simple proposition,”
Biden expressed his views on the re-join of WHO and said “We’re going to rejoin on day one as well and it needs reform, acknowledge, and re-join the Paris Climate Accord. We have to make sure that the rest of the world and we get together and make sure there are certain right lines the Chinese understand,”
Some Chinese international politics experts are considering Trump’s four years in power were the worst phase in China-US relations and now Biden and Xi jinping may come together to reduce trade-war between China and the US.
Chinese strategic experts said Biden entering the White House is expected to provide an opportunity for breakthroughs in resuming high-level communication and rebuilding mutual strategic trust between the two major countries.
A chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senator of US – Jim Risch published a majority report.
A report was on the United States and Europe: A Concrete Agenda for Transatlantic Cooperation on China to advance greater collaboration between the US and Europe on the challenges posed by China.
“We must be prepared to work with our trusted allies and partners to counter an increasingly confrontational China that attempts to undermine prosperity, security and good governance in every region of the globe,” Risch said.
As per the report – The US and Europe are heavily agreed on that China poses significant political, economic, and even security challenges and now parliamentarians and legislators of the US and Europe are shifting their approaches to meet these challenges. The next step is to turn this growing agreement into a constructive and concrete transatlantic agenda to defend shared interests and values.
Report specially made on six important keys and it is political influence, protecting the integrity of international organisations, addressing anti-competitive trade and economic practices, investing in future technologies and shaping how they are used.
China has already created territorial disputes in both the South China Sea and the East China Sea and now Beijing claims almost all of the 1.3 million square mile South China Sea as its sovereign territory. China has been building military bases on artificial islands in the region also claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.