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Covid-19:2: ‘India in crisis as it opened up prematurely’, says Dr. Fauci

Covid-19:2: ‘India in crisis as it opened up prematurely’, says Dr. Fauci

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Virendra Pandit 

New Delhi: Dr. Anthony Fauci, who advised two US Presidents, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, on Covid-19, said on Tuesday that India is in “such dire straits” because it made the “incorrect assumption” that the pandemic’s threat was over and opened up prematurely.

“Don’t ever underestimate the situation,” he warned.

Crowds at public events—weddings, cricket matches, religious functions, election rallies, even funerals—have continued in different parts of India amidst the second wave of the global pandemic claiming thousands of lives, proving America’s top infectious disease expert and Chief Advisor to the US President, right.

Revelers and mourners see no reason to stay away from crowds even as India continues to battle against the unprecedented second wave of the pandemic and hospitals in several states are reeling under the shortage of health workers, vaccines, oxygen, drugs, and beds.

Dr. Fauci, who is the Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), told the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Education, Labour and Pensions during a hearing on the Covid-19 response: “The reason that India is in such dire straits now is that they had an original surge and made the incorrect assumption that they were finished with it, and what happened, they opened up prematurely and wind up having a surge right now that we’re all very well aware of is extremely devastating.”

Chairing the hearing, Senator Patty Murray said that the surge of Covid-19 that is devastating India is a painful reminder really that the US can’t end the pandemic here until it ends it everywhere.

“I’m glad the Biden administration is leading that global fight by rejoining the World Health Organization and funding global vaccine efforts and committing to donate 60 million AstraZeneca vaccines to other countries by July 4”, she said.

“India’s outbreak really underscores the need for a robust public health infrastructure in the US”, Senator Murray said as she asked Dr. Fauci what can the US learn from India’s outbreak, media reported on Wednesday.

“One of the important things is don’t ever underestimate the situation,” Dr. Fauci said as he referred to India’s incorrect assumption and premature opening up.

“The second thing is preparedness with regard to public health, preparedness, which we, as a lesson learned for future pandemics, have to realize that we need to continue to build up our local public health infrastructure, which over the last decades we have let actually in many respects go into disarray, likely because of our successes in controlling so many diseases, he said.

The other lesson that’s learned is that this is a global pandemic that requires a global response, and one has to pay attention to the “responsibility that we have, not only for our own country, but to join with other countries to make sure that we have the access to interventions, particularly vaccines throughout the world, he said.

“Because if it continues to have dynamics of virus anywhere in the world, we have a threat here in the United States, particularly with variants, and you know there’s one variant in India that is also a new variant. So those are just a few of the lessons that I believe we can take from what’s going on in India”, Dr. Fauci said.

Senator Murray said that the deadly outbreak in India is a heartbreaking reminder of what can happen when this virus spreads unchecked, when it mutates into more contagious, more deadly strains and when it overwhelms healthcare systems.

“It’s a reminder this pandemic won’t fully be over for our country until it is over for the world, which is why I’m glad the Biden administration is sending medical support to India, sharing some of our excess doses globally, and even considering other steps to remove barriers to vaccines for countries that need them, including a targeted waiver of Covid-19 patent protection”, she said.

“These moves won’t just save lives in India; they will ultimately save lives in Washington State, North Carolina, and across the country because people get that when there is a fire down the street, it’s in their best interest to put it out before it gets to their family’s home. Not to mention that helping your neighbor is always the right thing to do”, Murray said.



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