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Farmers’ Stir: India Protest Canadian Interference in Internal Affairs

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NEW DELHI, Dec 4: As India registered its protest against the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian lawmakers making remarks “supporting” the on-going farmers’ strike in Delhi, a petition seeking immediate removal of the farmers from the borders of the national capital was filed in the Supreme Court on Friday for blocking the supply channel and on apprehension that the mass convergence could lead to spread of the Corona pandemic.

The ministry of external affairs summoned Canada’s envoy Nadir Patel and told him that remarks by Trudeau and Canadian lawmakers on the farmers’ strike could “seriously” damage bilateral ties between the two countries.

The move signalled India’s ire over remarks by the Canadian leadership that have been perceived in New Delhi as interference in the country’s internal affairs.

Trudeau remarks had triggered a diplomatic row on Tuesday when he told a Facebook video interaction organised to mark the 551st birth anniversary of Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion, that his government had conveyed its concerns over the farmers’ protest to New Delhi.

In a swift reaction hours after Trudeau’s comments, the external affairs ministry had dismissed them as “unwarranted”.

Meanwhile, the petition seeking immediate removal or dispersal of the mass gathering of farmers at Delhi borders was submitted to the Supreme Court on Friday as the farmers’ ongoing protest entered its 9th day. The petitioner said the gathering leading to closure of many routes is blocking essential supply to the city, apart from apprehending the it could lead to community transmission of Covid-19.

“It is pertinent to note that in view of the prevention of the community spread of the pandemic disease Coronavirus, it is very necessary to remove the gathering,” the plea said. “This protest is further blocking the roads for all emergency/medical services which are very much required to be supplied with the territory of Delhi in order to stop the spread of coronavirus as the cases of coronavirus patients are increasing rapidly in Delhi and many people were frequently travelling to Delhi from different states to get treatment in big government hospitals situated in Delhi,” the petition further added.

As another round of talks between farmer representatives and Union ministers are scheduled to be held on Saturday, the protest is going on, though agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Thursday urged the farmers to withdraw their protests.

The public interest litigation, filed by advocate Om Prakash Parihar, said the protesters should be shifted to some other place and they should be made to abide by Covid-19 appropriate behaviour.

“Though the Police has allotted a dedicated place for the protestors to protest peacefully, the protesters are not shifting/moving to the allotted place and in order to create trouble for the commuters they have blocked the borders. Furthermore, owing to their large number of protestors, the police is not able to control such a large gathering,” the PIL said.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Police suggested alternative routes to commuters entering or exiting the city.

Tikri and Jharoda borders are closed for any traffic movement while Badusarai border is open only for light motor vehicles like cars and two wheelers. Jhatikara border is open only for two-wheelers.

An official statement of the Indian external affairs ministry said the Canadian high commissioner was summoned and served a demarche or formal diplomatic representation that said the “comments by the Canadian Prime Minister, some Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament on issues relating to Indian farmers constitute an unacceptable interference in our internal affairs.”

“Such actions, if continued, would have a seriously damaging impact on ties between India and Canada,” the statement said.

The statement further said the comments by the Canadian leadership had “encouraged gatherings of extremist activities in front of our high commission and consulates in Canada that raise issues of safety and security”.

“We expect the Canadian government to ensure the fullest security of Indian diplomatic personnel and its political leaders to refrain from pronouncements that legitimise extremist activism,” it added.

During the Facebook interaction organised by Canadian MP Bardish Chagger, Trudeau had said, “I would be remiss if I didn’t start also by recognising the news coming out of India about the protest by farmers. The situation is concerning and we’re all very worried about family and friends.

(Manas Dasgupta)