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Another terrorist attack in Europe: Four killed in Austria’s Vienna

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New Delhi: At least Four people have been killed in Austria’s Vienna where some gunmen open fired on people. This terror incident occurred on Monday late night in central Vienna.

The attack happened hours before a partial lockdown was due to go into place due to the rising spread of the coronavirus, with restaurants, cafes and hotels shuttered and restrictions on movement at night.

On this terrorist act – Interior Minister Karl Nehammer has cautioned the people to stay away from the centre of the city and He added that border checks were being reinforced and that children would not be required to attend school on Tuesday.  Two men and a woman have died from their injuries. A suspected attacker, who was carrying an assault rifle and a fake suicide vest, was also shot and killed by police and initial investigations indicate that the suspect who was killed had sympathized with the Islamic State group.

“We experienced an attack last night by at least one Islamist terrorist” Nehammer to the media. He declined to elaborate, citing the ongoing investigation.

Vienna’s terrorist attack was somewhere similar to 26/11 Mumbai’s attack. In Vienna – terrorists had targeted different places of the city. They attack at six different locations including synagogues in the centre of the city.

Austrian Police have said that “were carried out by several suspects with armed rifles.”

To the media Karl Nehammer said that several people had been killed. An official later clarified that four people were dead.

“We have brought several special forces units together that are now searching for the presumed terrorists. I am therefore not limiting it to an area of Vienna, because these are mobile perpetrators,” Nehammer said.

Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz also expressed his views on the terrorist attack. He said that “the army would protect sites in the capital so the police could focus on anti-terror operations and the attackers were very well equipped with automatic weapons and had prepared professionally.

Austrian Police have confirmed that they had shot dead one of the attackers.

On this terrorist attack in Austria’s Vienna – The French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted that “We French share the shock and grief of the Austrian people struck this evening by an attack in the heart of their capital, Vienna. After France, a friendly country is attacked. This is our Europe. Our enemies must know who they are dealing with. We will not retreat.”

After facing attacks in Paris and Nice city – French officials have increased the security. French official suspected Islamist motives.

President Macron has deployed the thousands of soldiers to protect the sites and schools. He also warned ministers that other Islamist militant attack could take place.

In August, authorities arrested a 31-year-old Syrian refugee suspected of trying to attack a Jewish community leader in the country’s second city Graz.
